— Эй, @mnnwvn, чем мы будем заниматься сегодня вечером? @mmmnvn Пока админы будут пытаться правильно написать ник @mnnwvn он уже пол мира захватит to be fair, Russko-Vysotskoe is actually a lovely town. I even went to prom there with one of the local human females, and just see for yourself what a fun we had Непопулярное мнение: Телеграм-каналы убивают доступность контента и вредны. Тонны хороших материалов, погребены в Телеграм каналах и не могут быть найдены через поисковики, или иным путём.
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YouTube is currently experimenting with server-side ad injection. This means that the ad is being added directly into the video stream. This breaks sponsorblock since now all timestamps are offset by the ad times. For now, I set up the server to detect when someone is submitting from a browser with this happening and rejecting the submission to prevent the database from getting filled with incorrect submissions.
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@sponsorblock Youtube keeps spending money on a war they can't win. We will always find a way @sponsorblock A potential solution to this is to store not just a timecode on sponsorblock server, but a video-fingerprint (like store mean variance of group of pixels in like 5 random position, each 10 frame) sad to have to fight this... (they premium cost so much also, and they censor everything, not neutral...) @sponsorblock do you know if they're injecting ads within individual DASH segments or do they have the ad serving logic where they serve the DSAH metadata? |