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2 posts total
Reuben Binns⁉️

Spoons have enormous potential for humanity, but also pose risks, such as being left out on the table and dripping honey on things that shouldn't have honey dripped on them.

That is why we need to re-engineer our spoons to be aligned with human values like keeping our surfaces clean, saving excess honey, and promoting flourishing.

I'm thrilled to announce I've received $1 billion in series A funding to solve this problem at scale.

Ian Brown :fedi:

@RDBinns you should submit this to Private Eye’s “Me and my Spoon” column 🤣

Reuben Binns⁉️

I was invited by #Meta via a third party to join a roundtable about #AI fairness. There was a generous honorarium. They were asking me to sign an NDA. I said I wouldn't do it unless I could publicly declare my participation, the $ involved, and continue to criticise Meta based on public info. They ghosted me ...


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"Keyboards of thunder"


META finally have enough #Threads to wrap the entire corrupt, festering Instagram Facebook around that pale, freckled throat of that most hideous and unethical German redhead?

No, of course you do not participate!

🥥 Tucker Carlson's Nuts 🥥

🥥 And THIS ^^^ toot is why I now follow you professor Binns! 🥥

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