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Reuben Binns⁉️

I was invited by #Meta via a third party to join a roundtable about #AI fairness. There was a generous honorarium. They were asking me to sign an NDA. I said I wouldn't do it unless I could publicly declare my participation, the $ involved, and continue to criticise Meta based on public info. They ghosted me ...


Mike M.

@1dalm @RDBinns
I think Facebook requires NDAs for telling the time of day. NDAs should be made unenforceable.

Dallas (Join Something IRL)

@mmlvx @RDBinns

I agree to that. The same with non-competes for employment.

"Keyboards of thunder"


META finally have enough #Threads to wrap the entire corrupt, festering Instagram Facebook around that pale, freckled throat of that most hideous and unethical German redhead?

No, of course you do not participate!

🥥 Tucker Carlson's Nuts 🥥

🥥 And THIS ^^^ toot is why I now follow you professor Binns! 🥥

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