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4,055 posts total
:umu: :umu:
I tried mobilizon once and it somehow removed me as an event creator, and assigned to random federated actor.

This was reported to devs but I never opened mobilizon since.
:umu: :umu:
@natalie @splitshockvirus this!! I just can't imagine how much subject were misreprestented because one journalist (probably working overtime but who knows) didn't at least put whatever they writing about to Google search bar.

also kek "sega IDE master drive"
:umu: :umu:
I will never forgive journalists after they absolutely demolished my work, twice.
Incognito ergo sum ⚔️

@a1ba another "professor rapes journalist" situation?

:umu: :umu:
flight mode enabled...

see ya fedi :blobfoxwave:
:umu: :umu:
I like how for some people having cofe machine is equal to becoming a barista
:umu: :umu:
Съешь ещё этих мягких французских булок да выпей чаю.
:umu: :umu:
good night

tomorrow will be long and hard
Dr. Quadragon ❌

@a1ba Удачи тебе, Альбатрос!

:umu: :umu:
>read block list

insecure info sec
:umu: :umu:
pleroma memed groups so hard, so there is even mastodon making them

and I kinda believe they will finally deliver it
Кику :stallman:
@a1ba надеюсь на домене с таким именем поднимут плерому
Alexey Skobkin

Ну вообще да, но сейчас нет.

:umu: :umu:
I will have my vacation ended after tomorrow and will replace all occurences of pleroma to akkoma on my instance.

Not the Pleroma-tan though. I commisioned that for Husky artwork and nobody said that Husky isn't Pleroma. She is cute and will stay.
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