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15 posts total
Trolli Schmittlauch 🦥

Die Hölle ist zugefroren, seit wann gibt's die Premium denn auch zuckerfrei, @luebbermann? #37C3

Vor ein paar Jahren musste ich die noch selbst mixen.

Trolli Schmittlauch 🦥

Prognose, Hochrechnung, Stimmungsbild: Heute werden diverse Variationen der Wahlergebnisabschätzung durch eure Feeds scrollen.
Was die Unterschiede sind und wie die jeweils erstellt werden, findet ihr in diesem schönen Übersichtsartikel:

Trolli Schmittlauch 🦥

Aus aktuellem Anlass: Abonniert den jeweiligen @FediNINA Bot eurer Stadt/ Region, um über akute Warnmeldungen informiert zu bleiben (Wetter und Katastrophenschutz).
🔔 aktivieren loht sich da sogar mal.

El Joa


...aber bedenkt, dass wenn ihr accounts denen ihr folgt sichtbar habt, ihr dadurch euren Standort bzw. eben eure Stadt/Region offen legt.


Trolli Schmittlauch 🦥

Uff, ich muss 1 Päckchen nach UK verschicken.
Hat jemand Tipps/ Erfahrung, wie ich die #Brexit-bedingte Zollerklärung außen befestigen kann ohne gleich nen großen Stapel Dokumententaschen kaufen zu müssen?
Gibt es die auch einzeln in Postfilialen?

Eugen Rochko

@schmittlauch Muss man das machen auch wenn man Geschenke verschickt z. B. Plätzchen?

Trolli Schmittlauch 🦥

Please stop posting about tea, coffee, or energy drinks, I'm currently doing a caffeine break – and I still really long for it /0\.

Trolli Schmittlauch 🦥

Do you consume oat drink, soy yoghurt, or other #vegan dairy alternatives?
EU parliament is attempting to ban any terms, marketing, or even appearance of vegan products that are associated to milk or dairy. This includes the terms "yoghurt" style, similar packaging in cartons or yoghurt cups, or even the comparison with milk's climate impact.

While this dairy-lobby-driven amendment is already through parliament, there's a petition to stop it in council.

Do you consume oat drink, soy yoghurt, or other #vegan dairy alternatives?
EU parliament is attempting to ban any terms, marketing, or even appearance of vegan products that are associated to milk or dairy. This includes the terms "yoghurt" style, similar packaging in cartons or yoghurt cups, or even the comparison with milk's climate impact.

Trolli Schmittlauch 🦥

Some background on this:

Terms like "soy milk" or "almond yoghurt" are already banned, this regulation attempts to erase the thought from consumer's mind that anything else than dairy products can be used for similar purpose.

Consumers are not so dumb to mix up products clearly labelled as vegan plant-based stuff. Given the climate and animal welfare impact of dairy farming, this vile attempt shows dairy producers are not willing to give their customers free choice.

Some background on this:

Terms like "soy milk" or "almond yoghurt" are already banned, this regulation attempts to erase the thought from consumer's mind that anything else than dairy products can be used for similar purpose.

Trolli Schmittlauch 🦥

I'm honestly a bit concerned that officially features the "Soapbox" frontend by Alex "TERF, G💩b-afficionado, haha-Nazi-death-threats-are-so-funny, edgelord" Gleason.

Trolli Schmittlauch 🦥

Anybody else having problems with commenting on #apconf2020 videos from Mastodon? When trying to fetch a video like from Masto by URI, I get a 403 error.

/cc @rgggn @sl007


Eugen Rochko

@schmittlauch @rgggn @sl007 It seems this video has been posted with what in Mastodon translates as direct visibility

Trolli Schmittlauch 🦥

What does the "open" in even stand for?

Spotify is conceptually everything but open, and then the website still throws you against a log-in page.


Eugen Rochko

@schmittlauch It means "open the desktop app automatically"

Trolli Schmittlauch 🦥

Haha, :birdsite: now prohibits posting tweets containing a hashsum (tested with sha256) as a mitigation against yesterday's Bitcoin scam.

They're really tackling the source of the problem, without any collateral damage. :thisisfine:

Trolli Schmittlauch 🦥

Bei Follower-only posts kann ich nachträglich "mit der ursprünglichen Zielgruppe teilen" auswählen.
Was bedeutet das?
#mastohelp #mastohelpde #fediversepower

Trolli Schmittlauch 🦥

Gibt es eigentlich Hausarztpraxen, die statt eines Wartezimmers mit 20 immungeschwächten, sich gegenseitig mit Erregern anhustenden Menschen, eine sinnvollere Lösung gefunden haben?

Eugen Rochko

@schmittlauch I don't know if anyone does this but I think how it should work is you sign up for the queue through an app, and it estimates when it's your turn so you can come in at exactly the right time

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