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206 posts total
:bun: Stellar 🇫🇷

​:blobcatscience:​ ah yes i understand now ​:woozy_epsi:​ ​:puni_pfp:​

@Stellar У меня там фото кота.
Ничего, полёт нормальный.
:bun: Stellar 🇫🇷

Land mines were made to guard children and serve as nursing toys! That’s why they’re also called “nanny mines”!

:bun: Stellar 🇫🇷

new state of the art fusion "reactor"
look inside
steam spins a turbine

:bun: Stellar 🇫🇷

don't forget to use our recycled paper straw! :) remember its YOUR fault the earth is dying!

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