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16 posts total
🎀 Tostilène 🐈

I just sat through two video interviews for our entry-level fedidev position. Both were good people, but it was painful watching them struggle through our questions.

Here's some tips for anyone applying for a similar position:

1. When an interviewer asks "what makes you stand out?", have a solid response already prepared. If you say "well, I'm a trans girl and I like rust" I'm going to have difficulty suppressing my eyeroll. Find something that is unique about your abilities, knowledge, personality, or experience and get us excited to hire you. Even if you're not asked something like that question, volunteer that information. Make yourself memorable.
2. Don't go into the interview cold. Do some prep. If possible, drink a cofe, dress in your best kneesocks, find your best lain avatar. Have talking points / notes pulled up to reference key data about the latest shitpost. Be eager to talk at length about anything you claim to know in your bio.
3. If you tell me you're learning Elixir, I should be able to ask you why ecto is the best and get a semi-coherent answer. At the very least correctly tell me why you should avoid generating keywords at runtime. Yes, this is an entry level position, but that is about the biggest softball question I can lob. After your fifth instance move you should have familiarity with the most basic of our concepts.
4. I don't expect entry level to do feature development, but at least know a few common replies like Suya and Cofe and what response is expected to them. Bonus if you point out it causes hellthreads.
5. When I ask if you've seen any fediverse stories in the news lately, the answer I'm looking for is NO. Show me you're keeping the gates shut to the network you say you live in.

Good tips? Bad tips? Am I the asshole for expecting the above from an "entry level" candidate? All feedback appreciated.
#fedihired #interview #feditips

I just sat through two video interviews for our entry-level fedidev position. Both were good people, but it was painful watching them struggle through our questions.

Here's some tips for anyone applying for a similar position:

1. When an interviewer asks "what makes you stand out?", have a solid response already prepared. If you say "well, I'm a trans girl and I like rust" I'm going to have difficulty suppressing my eyeroll. Find something that is unique about your abilities, knowledge, personality,...

🎀 Tostilène 🐈

which type of mastodon® network server are you?
click here for a non-technical explanation
#discovering #nice #servers #on #mastodon #and #the #fediverse #amongus #amongusvr

Anonymous poll


Glitch Mastodon
Hometown Mastodon
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0 people voted.
Voting ended 28 Apr 2023 at 17:02.
ThatOneCalculator I am on calcodon™©® verified toot edition with Patreon premium add-ons (iOS exclusive)

🎀 Tostilène 🐈

I want to take this opportunity to say a big THANK YOU to FoundKey developers, who develop the software, making it continue to exist and matter. I would like to give a THANK YOU to and and an extra special THANK YOU to in particular.

🎀 Tostilène 🐈

they have taken us for absolute fools
these are real misskey errors, used by real misskey servers

🎀 Tostilène 🐈

hey pro tip
don't harass maintainers or devs
yes, even if it's Drew DeVault or RMS or whatever

there is a set of things that is ok to do to express your discontent and try to make the world better
harassing people that are mostly trying to do just that simply isn't one of those
especially since all these people are doing is the same thing (and aren't even doing irreparable damage to society in the process - something that's routinely ignored elsewhere)

🎀 Tostilène 🐈

​:hehe:​ ​:hehe_perhaps:​ ​:hehe_not:​
we now have them

🎀 Tostilène 🐈

I hate the gpu trend of "more frames at any cost"
I want power-efficient GPUs that play my games at high framerates and stylized quality
asking for fanless isn't reasonable in the GPU space yet, but eventually it might be
. . . well not if things keep going the way they have been

🎀 Tostilène 🐈

wait so you're telling me masto allows image descriptions 3x longer than the posts??

🎀 Tostilène 🐈

every time
"plasma is now ready for everyday wayland use!"
... one month later
"ok so we fixed these critical wayland bugs that would have made it unusable"

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