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1 comment

@fristi @tost Image description: an animated image (likely taken from an older film) showing two people who, going by my best judgement, appear to be male soldiers (or, alternatively, either helmetless bikers or space travellers from the future) of lighter skin tone and somewhat advanced age. They appear to be standing in front of some hills and, closer up, sparse vegetation, which could be bushes, short trees, or tall grass. The compression on the image combined with low resolution make it difficult to be exactly sure. Each of them is playing a musical instrument. The soldier in the front (who appears to be older and is wearing a slightly tilted cap) is playing an accordion, swaying from side to side in its rhythm. In spite of this, the expression in his face is not a very merry one, but rather a focused one: he’s pouring his whole heart into the music and wants nothing else but to give his best performance right now. The one in the back is not quite as expressive with his body language, but one can see that he is focused on playing a trumpet, most likely trying to give it his best, too. Unlike his brother in arms, he does not have any headwear on, other than hair which appears to be short, brown and curly. Given the caption, one of them might be lain. The whole animation lasts about ten seconds.

@fristi @tost Image description: an animated image (likely taken from an older film) showing two people who, going by my best judgement, appear to be male soldiers (or, alternatively, either helmetless bikers or space travellers from the future) of lighter skin tone and somewhat advanced age. They appear to be standing in front of some hills and, closer up, sparse vegetation, which could be bushes, short trees, or tall grass. The compression on the image combined with low resolution make it difficult...

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