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13 posts total
Yasha 🌈

В понедельник выхожу в офис на новую работу. Вчера посмотрела на свой гардероб и поняла, что после трех лет полной удаленки и трех переездов у меня вообще не осталось приличной одежды для работы

Yasha 🌈

So I don’t usually watch #veritasium channel, but I saw their video on IQ and it left a really sour taste in my mouth. Like how can you go on for half a video showing how IQ tests a basically bullshit and don’t actually measure intelligence and at the same time keep talking as if it does measure intelligence. How is it ok to invite two experts one of whom turns out to be THE AUTHOR OF AN IQ TEST and you only disclose it at the end of the video

Yasha 🌈

You show its racist bias, show how much it’s influenced by numerous factors, you outright state that it doesn’t measure intelligence (and what on earth does it measure?) and at the same time lean into IQ heritability and end the video on a statement like „let’s not be extreme about this and keep using IQ tests as they are useful after all“. For what exactly is it useful then?

Yasha 🌈

I have some mixed feelings about #GoodOmens in general, it has awkward pacing and makes just strange decisions. But I still loved it and GO2 has some absolutely brilliant moments. I cannot stress enough how much I loved it when the conclusion for the grave robber story is not some moral or giving her a chance or something but just… giving her money. I was thinking this the whole episode „just give her money you’re probably rich“ and I was delighted when this is what happened

Yasha 🌈

CW: discussion of SA
I am literally haunted by the scene in the finale of the #TheCrowdedRoom when Danny is visited by his mom. This guarded and hurt vulnerability from Tom Holland made me cry harder than anything else in the series. I can’t put it into words, but I saw myself right there, talking about SA and to someone you hold responsible, being in this body that was abused, discuss it and listen to an apology, shit was heartbreaking

Yasha 🌈

I hope Tom Holland gets proper recognition for this role, he was absolutely mesmerizing. I need him to get every award possible. And I totally understand why he decided to take a break from acting after this one. This performance was everything

Yasha 🌈

It’s sad how much the anti-woke crowd hates #barbie while it literally shows how patriarchy hurt men and has a super kind and positive message about men and masculinity

Yasha 🌈

Случился мемный кроссовер

Yasha 🌈

Вот когда котенька так приходит полежать к тебе, это вообще легально? (Красное слева это моя нога)

drew wright 🍋

@cloudberrypie it's been 10 hours since you posted this. I assume you are still in the same position so as not to disturb the cat.

Yasha 🌈

Rewatched #IntoTheSpiderVerse yesterday. Such a great movie, totally one of my favorite. But I haven’t realized before this how much of a technical and artistic (?) upgrade #AcrossTheSpiderVerse is in comparison.

I don’t mean the first movie is bad or anything, it blew my mind when I first watched it. It’s still super good, it looks amazing and I will watch it again and again. It’s simply about the style, it’s incredible how much it grew and developed in the second movie

Yasha 🌈

Тоже прочитала об этом, видимо попробую скоро переехать

Yasha 🌈

Oh, oh, oh, is there like a #houseofleaves community or just fans here? I read it recently and now I’m obsessed

Sasha Chudesnov

@cloudberrypie thanks for the reminder! @calm_owl bought me a copy but I haven’t started reading yet :D


@cloudberrypie If you find it let me know! I’m sure it’s having a bit of a resurgence following the doom wad, and there have to be others out there desperate to talk about it.
I am only about 1/3 of the way through (i think, but hard to tell 😅) but I have found myself poring over decade old forums almost every night, so some new discussion would be amazing!

Yasha 🌈

#introduction hey, I’m Yasha (she/he/they)! As many here, I’m a result of the latest Twitter exodus.

I’m a motion and graphic designer from Berlin. It you don’t know what motion design is, I’m planning to upload some of my works here. I also draw and I’m open to commissions!

I’m #queer, play #pathfinder and chill video games, sometimes go to Berlin clubs. I love animals and post pics of my cats.

I have #ADHD and get treatment, so sometimes I rant about this whole thing.


Yasha 🌈

Так, что-то я не поняла. Тут фавы не используют в качестве лайков? На многих постах вижу много репостов и всего несколько звездочек 🤔

кыштымский карлик

@cloudberrypie тут как бы фавы используют в качестве лайков - да. Но лайки тут не продвигают посты, а вот репосты оч помогают продвигать просты, поэтому такое вот может быть)

Digitual :ablobcatwave:

@cloudberrypie здесь это вообще не имеет значения.

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