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Sasha Chudesnov

@cloudberrypie thanks for the reminder! @calm_owl bought me a copy but I haven’t started reading yet :D

Yasha 🌈

@chudesnov let me know when you read it! I think it’s a great experience but I know not everyone finds it good, so I’m curious to hear what you think

Sasha Chudesnov

@cloudberrypie I found out about it from YouTube videos about , so I’m expecting at least the same level of weirdness from the book :D

Yasha 🌈

@chudesnov saaaaaame! And after reading I randomly saw a post on Danielewski insta promoting the Power Pak video. It felt kinda cool 😄 And yes, it’s super weird but also kinda approachable. Like you don’t need to nerd out about every possible hidden clue or reference to enjoy it

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