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2 posts total
Esi Jóhannes G.

This is what I've learned so far after several months living in the city. The difference between a farm and a city is the following.

In a city you can't have any of your things nearby but everything else is nearby.

On a farm, you can have your things nearby but everything else is far away.

What do I mean by that? On the farm preschool, grocery store, etc was 25 km away. But my office was 1 meters from my bedroom. In the city preschool is 500 meters away but my office is 3 kilometers away.

Esi Jóhannes G.

Lets say I start painting. Great, can't do that at home in the city. Will need to find an office/studio space somewhere. Don't have the square meters for it. Every square meter is really expensive.

On the farm? Space is abundant. You want a studio? There's an old barn somewhere I could turn into a studio, or a spare bedroom... Heck, I could build a little cabin in the garden to use as a studio.

Esi Jóhannes G.

On the Icelandic fediverse/Mastodon I've started seeing people using the word "tútta" for "toot". "tútta" (pronounced toot-ta) is normally a slang term for a boob/tit.

Please reboob this.

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@esi La boucle est bouclée, @ferrydanini (pas pour le meilleur...).

Dr Juliette

@esi "mast" already means boob so i guess it's only fair... :s


@esi this is clearly the kind of community humor that we need!

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