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8 posts total
Dan Fixes Coin-Ops


Wanted to watch Aliens, the disc plays OK but makes a horrible grinding sound. "OK fine," thinks I, "I'll watch it via other means," well my friends the other means are really really bad

"Oh cool there was a remaster this year" yeah they overexposed it and washed it all out, and as if that wasn't enough they AI'd it and everyone's got weird plastic skin

"Well butts, how about the blu-ray release from the early 2010's," well they didn't AI it yet but they did bollocks up the colours and made it all green because that was a thing in the 2010's

Rip your own DVDs folks 'cause if that DVD starts having problems you might not be able to find a copy amid a sea of gradually deteriorating versions


Wanted to watch Aliens, the disc plays OK but makes a horrible grinding sound. "OK fine," thinks I, "I'll watch it via other means," well my friends the other means are really really bad

"Oh cool there was a remaster this year" yeah they overexposed it and washed it all out, and as if that wasn't enough they AI'd it and everyone's got weird plastic skin

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@ifixcoinops Its not that easy finding something to play them on either ,neither of our two new laptops have a dvd drive and I know you can get plug in ones but I have used those in the past and they arent great ,you usually need extra speakers for some reason .I have a big stock of DVDs because our winter internet isnt always great and we get pwoer cuts so laptops are perfect for passing a few hours without huddling over torches to read

Clark W Griswold until 25-Dec

@ifixcoinops I rip and i agree. I rip to MKV container format because you can get the closed captions in a stored/optional format. You don’t HAVE to see them, but you can turn them on if you want to. You won’t always be as young as you are now, and you might want those subtitles one day.

Dan Fixes Coin-Ops

I go into my kitchen and I look at my fridge, whose job is to move heat outside of itself into the room. Centimetres to the right of it is the oven, whose job is to make heat, and we don't like using it in the summer because its whole thing is making heat. Further right is the AC vent, which is connected to a furnace downstairs, which is connected to a big fan outside which blows my heat into the neighbourhood for a few minutes each morning to dry out the air and make it tolerable with a fan. Right next to the furnace, within a metre of it, is the hot water tank, which is another inside-out fridge that takes heat from the basement and puts it into my shower water.

None of these machines are connected together in any way at all

Like, what are we doing here. What are we doing as a species.

I go into my kitchen and I look at my fridge, whose job is to move heat outside of itself into the room. Centimetres to the right of it is the oven, whose job is to make heat, and we don't like using it in the summer because its whole thing is making heat. Further right is the AC vent, which is connected to a furnace downstairs, which is connected to a big fan outside which blows my heat into the neighbourhood for a few minutes each morning to dry out the air and make it tolerable with a fan. Right...

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Syphilia Morgenstierne

@ifixcoinops What we are doing is obediently buying what is offered us from corporations that have no idea beyond making money here and now. Depressing.

Ding Dang Trevor Flowers

@ifixcoinops It seems like one big heat pump and some smart pipes could get it done.

Pamela :yell:

The hotter it gets, the more we need the A/C. The more we use the A/C, the more greenhouse gasses we contribute to the atmosphere. The more greenhouse gasses we contribute, the hotter it gets . . .

It seems to me rather more like an addiction than a plank in a political platform.

Dan Fixes Coin-Ops

Periodic reminder that I'll advertise your weird hobby website to my Improbable Island players for free, no catch,

Why? Because google doesn't like it when people give away what they're trying to sell, and fuck those guys lol

Dan Fixes Coin-Ops

Mildly spicy web advertising takes

* 468x60 static non-animated non-tracking banners for cool webcomics and weird hobby blogs are brilliant and only the most tedious of people have any problem with them at all

* blog writers and webcomic artists getting paid a couple bucks here and there for running non-intrusive ads is Good Actually

* the shittiness of web ads scales exponentially in accordance with how much money you're trying to make off them - if you want a few extra quid each month for pizza and beer money, web ads are great and useful to everyone, that's the perfect use case; if you want more money than that then ads are the wrong tool for the job, and you can in fact use the wrong tool wrong enough to destroy democracy

Edit: one more

* the fact that my adblocker will look at a 468x60 non-animated non-intrusive non-spyware banner ad for a gay webcomic and go "ah yes, this can go in the same hole as this 50 megabyte video ad for a toothbrush you bought last week, loaded with so much spyware javascript that your processor fan roars like a jet engine," by DEFAULT, is... honestly tragic. These are Different Things but, remember the most tedious people in the world I mentioned above? They made the adblocker

Mildly spicy web advertising takes

* 468x60 static non-animated non-tracking banners for cool webcomics and weird hobby blogs are brilliant and only the most tedious of people have any problem with them at all

* blog writers and webcomic artists getting paid a couple bucks here and there for running non-intrusive ads is Good Actually

Dan Fixes Coin-Ops

A reminder, I am that pissed off with the kind of horrific web advertising that google and facebook put out that I'm giving ad space away for free on Improbable Island, check it

(image description: three screenshots of banner ads I'm serving on Improbable Island, there's too many to describe properly but it's a riot of colour and text advertising webcomics, indie games, weird blogs and basically it's what you'd expect to see if you asked Fedi to come up with banner ads)

A reminder, I am that pissed off with the kind of horrific web advertising that google and facebook put out that I'm giving ad space away for free on Improbable Island, check it

(image description: three screenshots of banner ads I'm serving on Improbable Island, there's too many to describe properly but it's a riot of colour and text advertising webcomics, indie games, weird blogs and basically it's what you'd expect to see if you asked Fedi to come...

Dan Fixes Coin-Ops

Watching a mutual ask for printer recs and receive a chorus of tired tech folk going "Just get a Brother, they're fine" and man


Like this is actually kinda fascinating honestly, Brother is now the best printer brand, the one that every Computer Person recommends, and is it because their printers are good? Their printers are fine, they print, whatever, no, it's because everybody else's printers have gotten Innovated out the wazoo, every innovation making them way worse, until it's gotten to the point where I wouldn't have one in the house even if it were free, and meanwhile Brother's have remained consistently Fine I Guess, which now makes them the best printer manufacturer simply by virtue of them opting out of the Who Can Get Crappiest Fastest race

Brother have gotten to where they are now, by NOT innovating

EDIT 2023-11-27 2130 UTC: I muted this thread a while back because wew lad this got too big. I won't see your reply but the lurkers (and commentors) of Hacker News might.

Watching a mutual ask for printer recs and receive a chorus of tired tech folk going "Just get a Brother, they're fine" and man


Like this is actually kinda fascinating honestly, Brother is now the best printer brand, the one that every Computer Person recommends, and is it because their printers are good? Their printers are fine, they print, whatever, no, it's because everybody else's printers have gotten Innovated out the wazoo, every innovation making them way worse, until it's gotten to the...

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@ifixcoinops I remember reading that brother may have also sold out and some newer models have different kinds of drm. Interestingly no commenters mention this, do y'all have old models or was what I read just bull?

Dr John A Stevenson

@ifixcoinops Yes!

Our Brother wireless laser printer is 12 years old. It's old enough to have drivers that work out of the box with "stable" Debian Linux. It prints what we send it. That is all.

Meanwhile, my in-laws have a fancy HP Inkjet. It ran out of ink. "Not a problem, I'll bring the cartridge home from the one at work", said father-in-law. Denied! The cartridge refused to print in a different printer.


@ifixcoinops it feels like their iOS app is still in beta and part of me cannot get enough of it

Dan Fixes Coin-Ops

twitter being completely down or unusable is probably the worst possible time to be doing fediverse recruiting tbh

Dan Fixes Coin-Ops

Alright so 2017, tech blogs are all "Have a gander at mastodon, it's like twitter but without the nazis," all the folk who don't like nazis or supporting/hosting/enabling nazis go "Alright let's give this mastodon thing a go" and almost immediately discover that no, it's not like twitter at all, it's very very different to twitter, it's its Own Whole Thing. Folk who were expecting something like twitter go back to twitter, folk who like it here stay here, all good and normal.

2022, this place has had years to develop its own vibe and its own way of doing things and has in the meantime become even MORE Not Twitter, but tech blogs go "Try Mastodon, it's like Twitter but without Elon Musk," and there was this... honestly, Exciting At First But Generally Unpleasant Period where people who were *actively mourning twitter* came to mastodon again expecting something like twitter, something they'd been promised by I dunno tech journalists or whatever, and they either went "Ooh this is actually not at all what I was told it'd be like but I like it" and stuck around, or they had Bitter Disappointment And Confusion and left, or they did "This place is not like twitter and therefore it is Wrong and I will Make It Like Twitter" and they had an even worse time than the Bitter Disappointment And Confusion folks.

2023 now, we've had the folk who wanted Twitter Without The Arseholes, then we had folk who wanted Twitter Without The Biggest Arsehole, who's left, Folk Who Want Twitter? Folk Who Meant To Try Leaving Twitter Six Months Ago But Who Now Suddenly Can't Log In And Have To Move Right The Heck Now? Honestly I think there's gonna be a LOT of disappointment mixed up with panic and mourning and generally hurt feelings because of this billionaire fiddling about and pushing people out before they're ready.

I think the theme of the late web 2.0 era is one where people are on websites that they Do Not Want to be on, because that's where their mates are or that's where the memes are or that's the only game in town or whatever, and I've said in the decade-scale-online-community-management thread and I'll never quit banging this drum, websites that are full of people who'd rather be somewhere else are really miserable places that can chug along in misery for years and years.

So aye, I don't celebrate when twitter hecks up, I think the people who actually want to be on twitter would be happier on twitter. Folk who want to move their stuff to other websites should have the chance to do so at their own pace, dipping their toes in and casing the joint, they shouldn't have to deal with trying to adapt to a totally different place ON TOP OF the trauma of having their existing place yanked out from underneath them, compounded by, honestly, being lied to about the new place. It wasn't like twitter five years ago and it's even less like twitter now, I really wish we could just bury that association but I guess it's gonna stick around and keep tripping people up for ages 'cause, y'know, first impressions I guess.

Just. Bloody. Tech boys, stop pressing buttons and breaking things for a minute, yikes

Alright so 2017, tech blogs are all "Have a gander at mastodon, it's like twitter but without the nazis," all the folk who don't like nazis or supporting/hosting/enabling nazis go "Alright let's give this mastodon thing a go" and almost immediately discover that no, it's not like twitter at all, it's very very different to twitter, it's its Own Whole Thing. Folk who were expecting something like twitter go back to twitter, folk who like it here stay here, all good and normal.

Dan Fixes Coin-Ops

Alright, so how come I'm now when I was yesterday, what's the story, what's everyone banging on about with the dot art and Welsh pixies and Meta meta and stuxes, alright here's the Short Version

Stux = guy who runs and a bunch of other general-purpose fedi sites
Welshpixie = lady who runs, an art focused mastodon website
AJ = guy who runs, this website
Meta = Facebook, hereafter referred to as Facebook because they don't get to change their name and wash away their past sins any more than my Lucky Goldstar dishwasher does

Facebook: Mmmmmmay we pleasssse have a little CHAT with the big adminsssssss, we promissssse we'll be good this time <3
Fediverse in general: Haha get bent facebook, we weren't born yesterday
Facebook: That wassss Facebook, we've reconssssidered, let'ssss be friendssss
Me: Happily dunking on people who spell accessibility as a11y and completely oblivious to this whole conversation
Welshpixie: Ey up, facebook are up to their old tricks again, remember not to fall for it guys
Stux: Nasty Welsh Pixie, let's give them a chance, I will block your Whole Entire Domain website: A block you say, a defederation, now that's quite serious, that's for when you don't want anyone on your website to follow anyone on this other website, are you quite -
Stux: yes I'm sure lol website: Very well, *chop*
Everyone on who was following anyone on suddenly, silently not following those people any more
Everyone on who was following anyone on also suddenly silently not following those people any more
Everyone on both websites who was following anyone on the other website: WTF STUX
Stux: oh uh yeah hm. Ahem. That may have been hasty. I wonder if I can undo some of the - website: nope
Stux: I think I'll take a break from the computer for a bit
Me: Drinking beer and playing Beat Saber with a couple of out-of-town mates and completely oblivious to this whole thing happening
Me: goes to bed
Fediverse: meta meta meta
Me: good morning fediverse, what are the haps my frieWHAT THE HELL
Fediverse: meta meta meta
Several People: Dan my server's gonna defed from yours in a week, can you move?
Me: what no what's going on that's not enough time I've got things to do, tell you what though I'll have some time in the autumn and I like you too, can we catch back up then?
Several People: we are chill and lovely and we understand
Me: slowly pieces together what's going on while drinking a Winsford Mocha

---intermission because I have a fifty thousand character post limit now---

A Winsford Mocha is an analogue of this fancy "mocha" coffee stuff you tasted once in the far-off land of Chester, where they have coffee shops; you live in Winsford, which is a town best known for having Europe's last remaining salt mine, a literal man-made hole in the world, where there are no such frivolities, so you attempt your own. It's two spoons of instant coffee, two spoons of Cadbury's drinking chocolate, microwaved for a minute, stirred and microwaved for another minute, and drunk with thumb resting on the spoon because the contents tend to settle.

---intermission over---

Everyone on both affected sides of this whole shambles: YEAH SAME DAN I SEE YOU'RE LATE TO THE PARTY HERE
Me: Sigh. I guess I'll move servers, AGAIN, and probably spend a month or two having random people look at my join date and tell me I'm using mastadon wrong, AGAIN, but this'll have to wait, I have Things To Do
Mastodon: it's Mast-OH-don actually
Me: I know
The Fediverse: actually it's the F... ah, you know
The Things I must Do: oh my god where do I even start, they are a nice even spread between equally important physical things and computer things and family things and some of them have Rather Tight Deadlines, I will spare you the details but this is why I said to several people lol see you in October
Me: I am mad about this situation and I want to talk to someone IRL about it but how the hell do I even start to explain why this is even possible without that person resolving to never ever ever even glance at this whole fediverse thing
Stux: *notices me, noticing him and his horrible mistakes*
Stux: Say, that post of yours... not the one where you call me a wanker, it'd be a bit heavy-handed to delete that one, if I were to delete that one then you'd be able to say "Lol look at this fragile guy everyone" and you'd be right, but this one from yesterday:
Me, from yesterday: "Extremely popular take that some here won't like but seriously need to sit with: spelling words like a11y or l10n or i18n or m17n is bloody incomprehensible and makes you look like an absolute w4r"
Stux: yeah, that content violates the following community guidelines: "No harassment, dogpiling or doxxing of other users." I am going to remove it.
Me: oh no, not only is he not taking a break from the computer, he's back to pressing buttons and he's gone into petty "LOOK AT THE POWER I HAVE TO REMOVE YOUR VERY WORDS" mode, I have to move TODAY while I can still get an archive of my shite
AJ: Hey you can put your shite here
Me: Thank you AJ, I will put my shite right there. I will fill your website with my shite.
Several long threads of mine which started on which is the website I was on before I was on which is the website I was on before I moved to today: lol what are you gonna do, make a blog?

---the story is done but so is the damage---

Everybody I was following on I'm still not following them; there's no way to get that data back, shy of just kinda stumbling across folk and going "Oh I recognise them, *follow*"
Everybody from who was following me, probably months from now: Hmm haven't seen that joystick pop up in my feed for a while, wonder if he died, *shrug*
The Fediverse In General: LACKING in having tools to recover from the social damage that can be wrought with one reckless button press
Facebook: hrmmmm yesssssssss, yum yum yum, *licks eyeballs*
Me: sure hope next time this daft shite happens there's some kind of backup
AJ: My server can do 50,000 characters
Me: *makes USE of this, haha you all get TURBO DAN NOW*

Alright, so how come I'm now when I was yesterday, what's the story, what's everyone banging on about with the dot art and Welsh pixies and Meta meta and stuxes, alright here's the Short Version

Stux = guy who runs and a bunch of other general-purpose fedi sites
Welshpixie = lady who runs, an art focused mastodon website
AJ = guy who runs, this website
Meta = Facebook, hereafter referred to as Facebook because they...

Dan Fixes Coin-Ops

Haha oh no look what this has done to my notification column, it's repeating that whole thousand-word post

I have already overlooked an opportunity to learn my lesson!

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