yo fedi-admins, check your registrations, seems like there is another spammer on the lose on fedi, which creates a bunch of accounts and randomly mentions people. its the same pattern as a couple of years back with that discord bot thing (i don't recall the details)
i recommend setting your registrations to approval only, if you can live with that
well, seeing that bad space is yet again in the meta, i'm taking the opportunity to yeet my 2cents about blocklists into the mix.
i'm not generally opposed of the use of blocklists, but a blocklost has to provide several things to make it worth consodering. those things are
- clear reasons that can be verified. calling an instancce "edgelord" or other labels without further explanation doesnt mean anything
- provide evidence: blocklists have to provide evidence, not just for the affected instances to double check and use it in their moderation process, but also for the consumer of the list to have some way of verifying, if the entry is valid or not. there has yet to be a list to emerge that does this properly. without evidence, a list owner can claim everything about any instance.
- report bad actors: instance moderation is hard, especially if your instance has a lot going on. we cant be everywhere at once and are relying on reports and stuff to identify bad actors and act accordingly
- a process that allows admins/mods to refute an entry. false positives are unavoidable so there needs to be a process in place to be able to refute an entry in the list.
- a list shouldnt be managed by one person alone but by a team, preferably with different motivations and different backgrounds. there should never be a point where one person alone can decide what goes on the list and what not.
no fedi blocklist active now has yet matched any of those requirements. the bad spaces fails almost all of these points. the reasoning is at times downright silly and even being platently wrong. it doesnt provide any evidence at all which makes it imposible to verify the claims made. they dont report or get in contact with mods to inform them about anything going on that needs to be taken a look into. there is no refutation process, at least nothing clearly visible on the page. i dont know if the list is run by one person or not but it seems like there is no mechanism in play to prevent abuse of power.
tldr: if you want to make a blocklist, do it properly
well, seeing that bad space is yet again in the meta, i'm taking the opportunity to yeet my 2cents about blocklists into the mix.
i'm not generally opposed of the use of blocklists, but a blocklost has to provide several things to make it worth consodering. those things are
- clear reasons that can be verified. calling an instancce "edgelord" or other...