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11 posts total
Lelouche ๐ŸŒธ
>mastodon users stealing quality memes from spc
Lelouche ๐ŸŒธ
It wouldn't be hard to make, I'd need columns for user, instance, post, and media. The problem is politely scraping every single post into a sqllite DB while being polite and not spamming instances. If only I had a database that already had posts in it... oh wait that's literally what pleroma provides but they don't know how to make sql queries so this is a null point and I have to scrape my own
:umu: :umu:
@lelouchebag every fucking time just wondering why it feels like I know that random person on fedi.

Actually, it's kinda funny.
Lelouche ๐ŸŒธ
>46 unique accounts follow me
>they're all sjw
>little did i realize i am mentioning @sjw in this very post
>i close down fedi and go to 4chan instead
>everyone is sjw there too
>sjw is everywhere again
>close down internet browser and play minecraft instead
>every mob is sjw
>sweating bullets and breathing heavily, i throw my pc out the window
>someone knocks at the door
>it's sjw asking if i have any spare sugar
>i punch him square in the mouth and call 911
>sjw picks up the phone
>i throw my phone at the wall, shattering it
>sprint down the stairs, i must make a run for the police station to report i'm being harassed
>weaving and dodging between sjw in the street who is somehow much faster than me i finally reach the police station
>oh no
>sjw is here
>sjw is working at the police station
>i am surrounded, and am told i'm being arrested for "assaulting an elderly person"
>there is only one sensible explanation for this situation
>sjw has figured out how to make alts irl
>say he got what he fucking deserved and i regret nothing
>get tackled and pinned down
>sit in a jail cell, finally, some peace from sjw
>one day sjw walks in and says i'm being summoned to court
>sjw rigged the entire trial by using his alts as the judge and the jury
>sjw carries me off to a mental hospital, at some point i am sedated, last things i remember are a blurred mess of being placed in a straitjacket and thrown into a padded room
>in my last moments of consciousness, i conjure all my strength to scream at the top of my lungs -- AT LEAST THIS ROOM DOESN'T REMIND ME OF #QUEEF EVERY MINUTE
>46 unique accounts follow me
>they're all sjw
>little did i realize i am mentioning @sjw in this very post
>i close down fedi and go to 4chan instead
Lelouche ๐ŸŒธ
I'm tired of all this motherfucking CUM, on this motherfucking FEDERATED SOCIAL NETWORK
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