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Lelouche ๐ŸŒธ
It wouldn't be hard to make, I'd need columns for user, instance, post, and media. The problem is politely scraping every single post into a sqllite DB while being polite and not spamming instances. If only I had a database that already had posts in it... oh wait that's literally what pleroma provides but they don't know how to make sql queries so this is a null point and I have to scrape my own

@lelouchebag isnโ€™t bloat better at searching

Lelouche ๐ŸŒธ
@waifu Maybe haven't tried, but it's a frontend, and the SQL queries need to happen on the backend if you want them to actually work without pinging the server hundreds of times
@waifu yeah they really fucked up the backend design, there's to kind of unfuck it with proper search engines since it's too late to unfuck the database as it is now
:umu: :umu:
@pleb @lelouchebag @waifu

pleroma code: :blobcatdead:

pleroma merge requests: :ablobcathyper:
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