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30 posts total
Rysiekúr Memesson 🇺🇦

Surprise! When you force Big Tech to do the right thing, it turns out not to be such a "world-ending" event as they'd like you to believe:

"#Apple is opening up iPhones and Macs to at-home repairs. The company plans to start selling parts and tools and offering instructions on how to repair Apple products at home, without having to bring them into a store or a third-party repair shop. Apple plans to start with the iPhone 12 and 13, followed by Macs with M1 chips."

Surprise! When you force Big Tech to do the right thing, it turns out not to be such a "world-ending" event as they'd like you to believe:

"#Apple is opening up iPhones and Macs to at-home repairs. The company plans to start selling parts and tools and offering instructions on how to repair Apple products at home, without having to bring them into a store or a third-party repair shop. Apple plans to...

Rysiekúr Memesson 🇺🇦

Hey #hackers of the #fediverse, anyone working at @Tutanota ?

How do you feel about being branded as those who "steal personal data"?

Rysiekúr Memesson 🇺🇦

Pressure works:

> "Facebook is extremely thinly staffed ... and this is because there are a lot of technologists that look at what Facebook has done and their unwillingness to accept responsibility, and people just aren't willing to work there," Haugen said


Rysiekúr Memesson 🇺🇦

So now, opening Developer Tools and peeking at the HTML code is "hacking":

> “The state is committed to bringing to justice anyone who hacked our systems or anyone who aided them to do so,” Parson continued. “A hacker is someone who gains unauthorized access to information or content. This individual did not have permission to do what they did. They had no authorization to convert or decode, so this was clearly a hack.”

We need to take that term back for the #hacker community.

So now, opening Developer Tools and peeking at the HTML code is "hacking":

> “The state is committed to bringing to justice anyone who hacked our systems or anyone who aided them to do so,” Parson continued. “A hacker is someone who gains unauthorized access to information or content. This individual did not have permission to do what they did. They had no authorization...

Григорий Клюшников

Using a Java decompiler must be a felony then.

Rysiekúr Memesson 🇺🇦

"A hamster has been trading cryptocurrencies in a cage rigged to automatically buy and sell tokens since June - and it's currently outperforming the S&P 500"

🐹 :bitcoin:

This is funny on many levels.


Eugen Rochko

@rysiek Where can I get me one of these hamsters

Rysiekúr Memesson 🇺🇦

Can we please agree not to call apples "oranges" just because we like how "oranges" sound, and we also happen to like apples?

These are different kinds of fruit, and calling one using the name for the other is simply misleading.

Same with "anti-capitalist licenses" being called "open-source licenses".

They're not. They're different. The difference matters - if it didn't, there would be no reason not to use open-source licenses!

@bookwyrm is not "open source" (doesn't mean bad!):

Can we please agree not to call apples "oranges" just because we like how "oranges" sound, and we also happen to like apples?

These are different kinds of fruit, and calling one using the name for the other is simply misleading.

Same with "anti-capitalist licenses" being called "open-source licenses".

Rysiekúr Memesson 🇺🇦

Hey @dansup , any plans to be able to set a *default* license for @pixelfed posts?

I would love *all* my posts to be on CC-By-SA without having to click through the license selector each time I post. That would be a huge UX improvement for me.



@rysiek @pixelfed Yeah, I was planning on doing that. Will make an option to apply it to all existing posts as well!

Rysiekúr Memesson 🇺🇦

Hi and hello to all the old followers who might now notice that the account has moved.

I have been preparing for this for about a week, tooting about it giving people time to manually follow me here (or un-follow me at m.s if that's how the cookie crumbles). About 500 people did follow me manually, thank you!

I have now *moved* the account, and that means *all* followers are now moved to this new account. Welcome!

Rysiekúr Memesson 🇺🇦

Interestingly, about 25% of my m.s. followers did not show up following me here on m.t.

These are almost certainly accounts that were blocked or are at instances m.t does not federate with.

25% might seem like a lot, but consider:
- we're talking about moving a 4-year-old account across instances;
- when moving between walled-gardens one loses 100% of one's followers.

A smooth and easy account migration flow is super-important to a healthy fediverse. This makes me a happy rysiek! :ablobcatrainbow:

Interestingly, about 25% of my m.s. followers did not show up following me here on m.t.

These are almost certainly accounts that were blocked or are at instances m.t does not federate with.

25% might seem like a lot, but consider:
- we're talking about moving a 4-year-old account across instances;
- when moving between walled-gardens one loses 100% of one's followers.

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