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Rysiekúr Memesson 🇺🇦

Interestingly, about 25% of my m.s. followers did not show up following me here on m.t.

These are almost certainly accounts that were blocked or are at instances m.t does not federate with.

25% might seem like a lot, but consider:
- we're talking about moving a 4-year-old account across instances;
- when moving between walled-gardens one loses 100% of one's followers.

A smooth and easy account migration flow is super-important to a healthy fediverse. This makes me a happy rysiek! :ablobcatrainbow:

Eugen Rochko

@rysiek Maybe some networking delays too which means some might catch up. Or servers that are so outdated they don’t support the move, your account *is* old

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