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For those wondering why I didn't add the drake meme emojo format :geordi_like:

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@Crazypedia Thank you!

>10years ago I've been working at a Drake concert as a technician without knowing who he was.
Very young audience, very crowded audience too - every 10 minutes there was a girl passing out.
One of his announcements I remember was like "Hi, my name is Drake, I'm 24 years old and my hobbies are sexual activities". The crowd went crazy. It was unbelievable. I would have liked to puke in his face.

Lesser Abe

@Crazypedia not related except that it deals with celebrity sexual conduct and star trek:

@Crazypedia Hoping whatever happens with AI that there will be still "100% human made" shows, art, songs, video games out there. Would always prefer to buy that over any AI stuff, even if AI gets "ethical".

Jo Jitsu

@Crazypedia no trying out that llm or AI thing just to see and share either. No AI at all. Not for art, writing, actors, voice, etc.


This morning feels like the perfect time to plug @darius et al upcoming talk(today) on Trust and Safety in the Fediverse 👍📅


Kinda makes you think about how out website security certificate system works, huh :blobthinkingeyes:


Managing those "spell slots" alot lately 🙄 :awizard1:

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*drops teacup* Holy shit this is Perfect! :o

LearnTribe 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿

I use this analogy all the time with the added element that - like a specialist wizard - activities within your special interest sphere enable you to focus and achieve more as if you had bonus slots available just for that specialism.


@Crazypedia I used to play WoW a lot and I was a caster, and I often say, "I'm out of mana."


@darius does Hometown have support for text formats like bold, italics, header/H1, etc in posts? If not, are there plans to add that?

Darius Kazemi

@Crazypedia No and probably no -- I try to subscribe to Postel's Law, "Be liberal in what you accept, and conservative in what you send." So I want Hometown to consume all sorts of things but have no plans for it to generate more than the base Mastodon output.

That said I'm not *completely opposed* to allowing a markdown subset in posts, especially since markdown is designed to fall back to something human-readable.

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