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For those wondering why I didn't add the drake meme emojo format :geordi_like:

Third spruce tree on the left

@Crazypedia Down with Drake Meme! Long Live LeVar Burton Meme!

Andrew Glisson

@Crazypedia Hey, Geordi is problematic himself! We know what went down with Dr. Brahms.

(LeVar himself is a treasure, and I did appreciate how TNG addressed some of the holodeck ickiness when they revisited Dr. Brahms.)

Pete Prodoehl 🍕

@Crazypedia I actually didn't even know who "Drake" was for the longest time and just called him "orange coat guy".

Jamie Lawrence

@rasterweb @Crazypedia ok @elight now I understand. I didn’t know who the guy in the orange-version of the meme was either


@Crazypedia Thank you!

>10years ago I've been working at a Drake concert as a technician without knowing who he was.
Very young audience, very crowded audience too - every 10 minutes there was a girl passing out.
One of his announcements I remember was like "Hi, my name is Drake, I'm 24 years old and my hobbies are sexual activities". The crowd went crazy. It was unbelievable. I would have liked to puke in his face.

Lesser Abe

@Crazypedia not related except that it deals with celebrity sexual conduct and star trek:

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