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touch fluffy tail
>CDDA run 2: foxgirl maid

New run, CDDA + magic! Custom kitsune mods and patches at the end 👇

Senko Baker, the 4'9" fox girl maid was formerly employed at a mansion, where she was coerced and bullied into all sorts of unspeakable acts. She became hooked on the pharma grade painkillers and other drugs the lord of the manor would give her. Then, the cataclysm happened. At first, her employer insisted she stay in the mansion, where it was safe, but when the drugs started to run out and the scratching was at the door, she made her escape.

We begin our journey a day or so after she dashed out of the mansion and made her way to where she had once learned was an emergency bunker. It turns out, there was a mass grave just outside. At first, Senko thought that just keeping the windows covered would keep attention away. But when zombies started knocking on the doors and breaing the windows, she grabbed a backpack off a corpse and left with as many supplies as she could. Tail twitching from missing the drugs she likes, she convinced the one other refugee there that there was no point in staying right there. Together they made their way over to the refugee HQ: a staging area that it turns out was right next to her old employer's house. She had passed it on the way to the shelter. Memories flood back, memories about the medicine cabinet at the mansion, and the feelings it could give her...

Mod with kitsune background (extract into userdata/mods):
Graphics patch for ChibiUltica (extract into game0/gfx/ChibiUltica and overwrite):
>CDDA run 2: foxgirl maid

New run, CDDA + magic! Custom kitsune mods and patches at the end 👇

Senko Baker, the 4'9" fox girl maid was formerly employed at a mansion, where she was coerced and bullied into all sorts of unspeakable acts. She became hooked on the pharma grade painkillers and other drugs...
touch fluffy tail
I hate boomers so much you guys :senkoShock:
touch fluffy tail
The following additional packages will be installed:
handlebars libjs-async libjs-events libjs-is-typedarray libjs-prettify libjs-psl libjs-regenerate libjs-source-map libjs-sprintf-js
libjs-typedarray-to-buffer libjs-util node-abab node-abbrev node-agent-base node-ansi-escapes node-argparse node-array-from node-array-union
node-array-uniq node-asap node-assert node-async node-asynckit node-babel-plugin-lodash node-babel7 node-babel7-runtime node-chalk node-ci-info node-co
node-combined-stream node-commander node-commondir node-core-js node-cosmiconfig node-cssom node-cssstyle node-debug node-deep-is node-deepmerge node-del
node-delayed-stream node-detect-newline node-diff node-emittery node-error-ex node-es6-error node-escape-string-regexp node-escodegen node-esprima
node-estraverse node-esutils node-event-emitter node-events node-execa node-exit node-fbjs node-fetch node-find-cache-dir node-find-up
node-foreground-child node-form-data node-fs-readdir-recursive node-get-stream node-globals node-globby node-has-flag node-hosted-git-info
node-https-proxy-agent node-iconv-lite node-ignore node-imurmurhash node-indent-string node-is-arrayish node-is-generator-fn node-is-object
node-is-path-cwd node-is-path-inside node-is-typedarray node-isomorphic-fetch node-istanbul node-jest-debbundle node-jest-worker node-js-tokens
node-js-yaml node-jsdom node-jsesc node-json-parse-better-errors node-json5 node-leven node-levn node-locate-path node-lodash node-loose-envify
node-lru-cache node-make-dir node-merge-descriptors node-merge-stream node-mime node-mime-types node-mimic-fn node-mkdirp node-ms node-mute-stream
node-neo-async node-nopt node-normalize-package-data node-npm-run-path node-optimist node-optionator node-p-limit node-p-locate node-p-map node-parse-json
node-path-exists node-path-is-inside node-path-to-regexp node-path-type node-pify node-pkg-dir node-prelude-ls node-promise node-prompts node-prop-types
node-psl node-punycode node-quick-lru node-react node-read node-read-pkg node-read-pkg-up node-regenerate node-regenerate-unicode-properties
node-regenerator-runtime node-regenerator-transform node-regexpu-core node-regjsgen node-regjsparser node-resolve-cwd node-resolve-from node-rimraf
node-sane node-semver node-setimmediate node-shebang-command node-shebang-regex node-signal-exit node-sinon node-slash node-source-map
node-source-map-support node-spdx-correct node-spdx-exceptions node-spdx-expression-parse node-spdx-license-ids node-sprintf-js node-stack-utils
node-stealthy-require node-strip-bom node-strip-eof node-strip-json-comments node-supports-color node-to-fast-properties node-tough-cookie node-type-check
node-type-detect node-typedarray-to-buffer node-ua-parser-js node-unicode-canonical-property-names-ecmascript node-unicode-match-property-ecmascript
node-unicode-match-property-value-ecmascript node-unicode-property-aliases-ecmascript node-universalify node-util node-uuid
node-validate-npm-package-license node-webidl-conversions node-whatwg-fetch node-wordwrap node-write-file-atomic node-ws node-yallist node-yaml
Suggested packages:
libjs-angularjs livescript mocha chai
The following NEW packages will be installed:
handlebars jest libjs-async libjs-events libjs-is-typedarray libjs-prettify libjs-psl libjs-regenerate libjs-source-map libjs-sprintf-js
libjs-typedarray-to-buffer libjs-util node-abab node-abbrev node-agent-base node-ansi-escapes node-argparse node-array-from node-array-union
node-array-uniq node-asap node-assert node-async node-asynckit node-babel-plugin-lodash node-babel7 node-babel7-runtime node-chalk node-ci-info node-co
node-combined-stream node-commander node-commondir node-core-js node-cosmiconfig node-cssom node-cssstyle node-debug node-deep-is node-deepmerge node-del
node-delayed-stream node-detect-newline node-diff node-emittery node-error-ex node-es6-error node-escape-string-regexp node-escodegen node-esprima
node-estraverse node-esutils node-event-emitter node-events node-execa node-exit node-fbjs node-fetch node-find-cache-dir node-find-up
node-foreground-child node-form-data node-fs-readdir-recursive node-get-stream node-globals node-globby node-has-flag node-hosted-git-info
node-https-proxy-agent node-iconv-lite node-ignore node-imurmurhash node-indent-string node-is-arrayish node-is-generator-fn node-is-object
node-is-path-cwd node-is-path-inside node-is-typedarray node-isomorphic-fetch node-istanbul node-jest-debbundle node-jest-worker node-js-tokens
node-js-yaml node-jsdom node-jsesc node-json-parse-better-errors node-json5 node-leven node-levn node-locate-path node-lodash node-loose-envify
node-lru-cache node-make-dir node-merge-descriptors node-merge-stream node-mime node-mime-types node-mimic-fn node-mkdirp node-ms node-mute-stream
node-neo-async node-nopt node-normalize-package-data node-npm-run-path node-optimist node-optionator node-p-limit node-p-locate node-p-map node-parse-json
node-path-exists node-path-is-inside node-path-to-regexp node-path-type node-pify node-pkg-dir node-prelude-ls node-promise node-prompts node-prop-types
node-psl node-punycode node-quick-lru node-react node-read node-read-pkg node-read-pkg-up node-regenerate node-regenerate-unicode-properties
node-regenerator-runtime node-regenerator-transform node-regexpu-core node-regjsgen node-regjsparser node-resolve-cwd node-resolve-from node-rimraf
node-sane node-semver node-setimmediate node-shebang-command node-shebang-regex node-signal-exit node-sinon node-slash node-source-map
node-source-map-support node-spdx-correct node-spdx-exceptions node-spdx-expression-parse node-spdx-license-ids node-sprintf-js node-stack-utils
node-stealthy-require node-strip-bom node-strip-eof node-strip-json-comments node-supports-color node-to-fast-properties node-tough-cookie node-type-check
node-type-detect node-typedarray-to-buffer node-ua-parser-js node-unicode-canonical-property-names-ecmascript node-unicode-match-property-ecmascript
node-unicode-match-property-value-ecmascript node-unicode-property-aliases-ecmascript node-universalify node-util node-uuid
node-validate-npm-package-license node-webidl-conversions node-whatwg-fetch node-wordwrap node-write-file-atomic node-ws node-yallist node-yaml
The following additional packages will be installed:
handlebars libjs-async libjs-events libjs-is-typedarray libjs-prettify libjs-psl libjs-regenerate libjs-source-map libjs-sprintf-js
libjs-typedarray-to-buffer libjs-util node-abab node-abbrev node-agent-base node-ansi-escapes node-argparse node-array-from node-array-union
touch fluffy tail
I'd like to introduce you to my political party
touch fluffy tail
me, the hero of absolute justice, wielding the blade of absolute justice, looking at you, a buffoon, a deviant, in need of punishment
The otaku have no spine, giving him confidence will make him unrelatable to otaku and make them upset. And this is bad for selling merch.
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