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@boxy why is there just a desktop waifu in programs

Poppy (Tryna learn webdev rn) :spinny_cat_nb: Brave stans will see a cryptoshit browser that is slightly better than Chrome, and they will bow down to it like the fifth coming of King Zeus ​:neofox_angry:​

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@boxy nice cartoon. In a way, they’re both right. But they’re taking past each other, they’re taking about 2 utterly different things.
‘Improve somewhat’ is the complete polar opposite of ‘create a new standard to replace everything that already works’

NotThatDeep protocol doomers when someone suggests improving an existing protocol:

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@boxy Just join the discord server, answer the captcha bot, do the role self-assignment, send a DM to a moderator, and then look for the link that was posted in the "misc" board some time in mid-2018, that post is still being updated.


@boxy five weeks and ten wiki pages later, another computer nerd was born.

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girl on a phone behind an old man in a wheelchair with a massive fucking bookshelf sticking out of his head: "what are you reading"
old man in a wheelchair with a massive fucking bookshelf sticking out of his head reading a book: "my own posts"


The 27" iMacBook Pro weighed 40 pounds, was configurable with a maximum of 18TB of hard drive space, and had a full 2560x1440 display. It was notable for being banned from every airline worldwide, mere hours after it was announced.

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James White

@boxy I had one of those. The keyboard was terrible.


@boxy Using Opencore, I have one of these running Ventura. It is terrible and the dGPU has exploded.

Apple don't make 'em like this anymore.

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