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270 posts total
Sam Henri Gold

flip cameras were a huge thing for roughly two years and then we all purged our collective memory of them right after. crazy

Brian Wolf

@samhenrigold the cell phone killed them when they jumped to HD

Sam Henri Gold

i am intimidated by third grade me. he made fake operating systems in Keynote using single-cell tables with formulas for dynamic values and inter-slide hyperlinks. his power knows no bounds.

Emory Fierlinger

@samhenrigold wow this one speaks to my soul. Lil me was doing too much

Jack Taylor

@samhenrigold sounds like a great OS. You should revisit it

Sam Henri Gold

not a single soul:
twitter art director:

Justin Maxwell

@samhenrigold see we don’t need qt to dunk on people 😀

Chris Davies

@samhenrigold Still not as bad as the "empty follower requests" graphic tbh

Sam Henri Gold

Good evening, hope you're having a nice whatever it is you're celebrating. I am obsessed with this 1960s travel poster for Hawaii.

Sam Henri Gold

(at least I think it's Neue Haas Grotesk)

Sam Henri Gold



@samhenrigold because he wants to inject politics into everything he does now to appease the MAGA hats.

Sam Gross

@samhenrigold All the best design is done by committee or poll.

Sam Henri Gold

tbh i treated art school as mostly an improv exercise. you can totally heighten and "yes and" your way to a good grade

Sam Henri Gold

Here are some nonsense thesis statements I almost did. Please steal em:
- Democratizing Neo-feudalism as a Service
- Intersectionality in the Third Dimension: A VR Experience
- Re-imagining Mona Lisa as a transmasc icon
- The Politics of Pizza: A Marxist Analysis of Toppings
- The Subversive Power of Knitting: A Queer Theory Approach

Sam Henri Gold

interrupting your timeline to drop a nugget of computing trivia that was new to me: Front Row had a different icon for exactly one Leopard beta in September 2007


@samhenrigold I still have that remote which remains functional now.

Sam Henri Gold

doing a costco run, can i get anyone anything

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Григорий Клюшников

me, a non-american: yes I have a vague idea of what a costco is

Jordan Hipwell

@samhenrigold i would like a boyfriend plz i hear they come in bulk

Sam Gross

@samhenrigold some of those firehook bakery crackers. So delicious.

Sam Henri Gold

idk what’s so difficult to understand. mastodon is like if roblox uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Sam Henri Gold

gun to my head, i could not tell you the lane on which the muffin man lives. that part never worked its way into my noggin

Sam Henri Gold

i'm just saying that we could be doing so much more with the <hr> element. <hr type="dinkus"> would be amazing

Sam Henri Gold

I've said it before and I'll say it again: the Mac will never be a serious desktop OS until you can right click on your desktop and have two different options to create a new relational database

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Григорий Клюшников

Windows 11 is such a mess tho. That "show more options" thing is just the UI design equivalent of "I give up". It pops up the old right-click menu, with more options and a different, more compact design.

Sam Henri Gold

(i high-five myself so hard my hands starts bleeding)

Sam Henri Gold

why are you all still making music?? duality by set it off came out 9 years ago, nothing will ever top it. just give up and learn a trade.

Sam Henri Gold

Happy hanukkah to those who celebrate. Enjoy jewish hell to those who don’t.

For reference, jewish hell is like regular hell but the bagels look like this:

Sam Gross

@samhenrigold weird that Jewish Hell is just St. Louis

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