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40 posts total

I had a feeling that it would be a pain in the ass to debug our pedal circuit board while it was inside it's enclosure so I took some time and made a little test bed with some jacks and a power source to help test this little PCB, it made the whole process a whole lot fun so far!



Found out about #goblinweek early enough to participate this year, I'm so excited to draw weird little dudes next week :3


Day 1 of #goblinweek is some kind of goblin guard. First time drawing a full character in a while, I also experimented with acrylics and inks for color, not totally satisfied with that but I'm learning :3



you've heard about drone aerial photography but have you heard about the lower tech and much cooler kite aerial photography?

These are from who takes amazing photos of ancient sites

rag. Gustavino Bevilacqua


Here is a photo took "from a 49-pound camera raised 1000 feet above the bay" after the 1906 quake in San Francisco.


@ritualdust Ness of Brodgar on Orkney in the pics. There's a good account from the dig team on Instagram.


It's Samhain today, you know what that means? #fantomeszine issue 2 is available to pre-order:


My small linocut print for the month of august

maize 🎶💜🌻

@ritualdust So cool. Is there such thing as recycled lino or off cuts, that someone can buy?


It's nice to remember the original slogan of the internet


@ritualdust Always a great reminder, thank you.


@ritualdust Let's Overshare What We Pretend to Know!

DRM/NFT-powered™ Walled® Garden©!


I just passed 30 submissions for the second issue of #fantomesZine this one will be more chunky and full of good stuff, I can't wait to show you ~ 


Designing the flyer for the first Blood and Dust show, alongside some cool friends. Look up for it in august if you're around Montréal. 😬


Started working on my second linocut for my monthly print club thing on patreon :)


I've been researching and learning what I wish my art university degree would have taught me using various online resources and books during these last few months and compiling that knowledge on my website. It's funny to think how much money it took to get my actual degree but that I can get a similar level of education, much more tailored to my needs and interests for so much cheaper/free.


@ritualdust I’ve always believed that with university you’re effectively paying for a piece of paper saying what your score was and access to future connections.

Siren 🍂❄️

@ritualdust I've heard tell that the site is a treasure trove of art education.


The submission are open for #fantomesZine second edition! Send along your writing, poetry, illustrations, photos or something else entirely on the theme of ghosts, hauntology, occultism or spooky folklore. There is no submission deadline yet but i think I'll leave them open for a month or two. Boosts appreciated, let your friends know about it and look up issue 1 for inspiration ~ 👻

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I've decided to set the submission deadline for Issue 2 of #fantomesZine on July 31st since submissions are coming in pretty regularly, I think I'll aim to have the zine ready around October, it would be really fitting ^^

Odo Klave

@ritualdust I forget - was the zine free last time?


Just printed the edition of 20 small prints for the first month of my print club, which you can join with the "stone circle" tier on my patreon. My intention is to print a woodcut-style linocut of that format every month ~


Starting to notice cycles in my creativity, especially with different mediums coming and going over the years, these days it's printmaking and video that are coming back.


Just came up with little symbols for the different categories, let's see how it goes


I am now the proud owner of a vintage Dymo 1570 hand-labeller. Can't wait to label all my storage with something that looks better and is way more durable than tape + sharpie :3


@jameschip look at this sweet wassailing mug sin eater made


Found a great book in my new workplace library!


The finished little hammer, ready for another 100 years of use if well taken care of.

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