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The submission are open for second edition! Send along your writing, poetry, illustrations, photos or something else entirely on the theme of ghosts, hauntology, occultism or spooky folklore. There is no submission deadline yet but i think I'll leave them open for a month or two. Boosts appreciated, let your friends know about it and look up issue 1 for inspiration ~ 👻


@ritualdust Sick. Maybe I'll try and submit something this time..I'll dig around under the floorboards and see what turns up.

Hairy Larry


That's what I love about Mastodon. Meeting people working on interesting projects.


@hairylarry totally agree and the collaboration and genuine interest of people is really great too!


@ritualdust is it okay to share this toot outside of mastodon?


@ritualdust I learned about the concept of psychogeography thanks to your post! Thanks and good luck with the zine.


@knirscher thanks! And glad to have introduced you to it, it’s an enjoyable rabbit hole :)


You folks are the best, I already got a couple of amazing submissions, for I'm so excited to put them together :3


@ritualdust oh I'm so excited for this! Might need to make a submissions :>


I've decided to set the submission deadline for Issue 2 of on July 31st since submissions are coming in pretty regularly, I think I'll aim to have the zine ready around October, it would be really fitting ^^


@ritualdust Oooooh, that means I can finish my piece on the spooky thing.
Does it have to be in English or could it be in both another language and with an English translation?


@lilletale please do! another language with a translation is always welcome! there was a piece in french / english in the first issue :)


@ritualdust I need to do something this time! Maybe draw a scene from the local Katel Kollet legend!


@thomasorus oh excellent, that’s a great idea :)

Odo Klave

@ritualdust I forget - was the zine free last time?


@dualhammers there’s always a free pdf version and a paid printed one :)


@dualhammers nope i charge a bit more to cover other expenses linked to the project and finance future runs, and pay for the artists's copies (and sometimes even for my time a bit), but the goal is definitely not to make much of a profit :P

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