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5 posts total
Mark Newton

Slack is now using all content, including DMs, to train LLMs.

They offer a thing they're calling an "opt-out."

The opt-out (a) is only available to companies who are slack customers, not end users, and (b) doesn't actually opt-out.

When a company account holder tries to opt-out, Slack says their data will still be used to train LLMs, but the results won't be shared with other companies.

LOL no. That's not an opt-out. The way to opt-out is to stop using Slack.

Slack is now using all content, including DMs, to train LLMs.

They offer a thing they're calling an "opt-out."

The opt-out (a) is only available to companies who are slack customers, not end users, and (b) doesn't actually opt-out.

When a company account holder tries to opt-out, Slack says their data will still be used to train LLMs, but the results won't be shared with other companies.

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@NewtonMark it's also unclear what Slack will do with free instances since those aren't technically customers.

Deadly Headshot

I suspect this breaks EU GDPR (but not necessarily UK GDPR, sadly)...

Mark Newton

Well look at that: You spend decades saying you can’t live without them, then, all of a sudden, you give them the flick. It was that easy.

Preston de Guise

@NewtonMark Turns out you can get even better value by asking staff you're already paying for the answers to your questions.

Otte Homan

@NewtonMark This is The Oz whingeing crocodile tears, right?

Mark Newton

A rare photo of the last steam-sheep before electrification.

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Mourioche ⏚

@NewtonMark Les robots rΓͺvent ils de moutons Γ©lectriques ?


@NewtonMark Either that or it’s the worst case of sheep farts EVER ! πŸ’¨πŸ’¨πŸ’¨

Mark Newton

Ports across Australia will be shut down for most of a week because a stevedore has allowed itself to suffer a ransomware attack.

Everyone spending half a week panicking about Optus, which was completely harmless. This one is actually serious.

Darkly, Glass Darkly

@NewtonMark good thing it's ransomware that's shut down the ports, not the unions. Cops must be pissed they can't set the dogs on someone.



Rainbow 1: is this a not going straight and hanging out with bad rainbows joke? *Light sarcasm intended*

Rainbow 2: 🌈 Get bent screwball! Go polish your reflection πŸ˜‡

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