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:ewahri_cozy: Vavency :ewahri_nyeh:

@Aleums :akko_angry: I was already pissed off that timmy bough bandcamp so this will kill it.

doomy 🦀

@Aleums awesome glad they bought it to hold on to for like a year and then ditch

acid housewife :verified:

Me, a bird, to my friend, also a bird: that guy only has one stone. He couldn't possibly hit both of us

acid housewife :verified:

would you still love Leto II Atreides, God-Emperor of Dune, if he were a worm?

acid housewife :verified:

Actually, 9/11 is the name of the day itself. The culture of increased islamophobia and military jingoism is called 9/11's monster

acid housewife :verified:

Did you know thay you can order the Gom Jabbar from Mary Maxim

ars goatse

@Aleums the gom jabbar is the needle, not the pain box

Eugen Rochko

@Aleums One of these days you'll post a Where's Angus without any Angus in it

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