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2 posts total
Hey. Congrats on the release. I have a question. What is the minimum specs of a vps to run pixelfed? Docs dont say about RAM, CPU, storage etc...
Can it run on a pi ?

@randy That’s a good question, if you disable image optimization and video transcoding you should be able to run it with minimal specs, though I haven’t tested that.

Will do some benchmarks and let you know, if you don’t hear back in a few days, ping me!

I have a question. If a user writes a status, that status is lets say "bad". The offended party gies to report it but they delete it first or after getting reported. Thats irrelevant. Shouldnt a log record the initial comment or is it like that ststus never existed ?
Or more accurately, if a that abuse report is accepted and comment delered, shouldnt audit logs still show what happened ?
I have a question. If a user writes a status, that status is lets say "bad". The offended party gies to report it but they delete it first or after getting reported. Thats irrelevant. Shouldnt a log record the initial comment or is it like that ststus never existed ?
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