90% of working in IT is being able to search a knowlegebase (okay, a Google search a lot of the time) better than the client.
This profile might be incomplete.
Open on toot.wales KamaPronouns:
Your choice, but you'll probably default to she/her and that's fine
Dorchester, MA (the fun part of Boston)
Nerd Type:
Trek 4 Lyfe! Urban fantasy. Domestic/Social History buff
Jigsaws, Stardew, Catan, New to DnD and love it.
Personal infoAbout:
Nerdy mum who decided to learn Welsh last year.
Wall 10 posts
90% of working in IT is being able to search a knowlegebase (okay, a Google search a lot of the time) better than the client. Can't to let a #Caturday #dyddcathod go by without a pic of these little weirdos. #cathodon #CatsOfMastodon I'm sorry, but I'm going to be posting #catcontent for a while. #CatsOfMastodon #Caturday #cathodon #dyddcathod
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@teruterubozu academic administration too.