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For I am CJ :screwattack: :black_sparkling_heart: :screwattack:

if you (like me) weren't following this before now, blog post is a bit convoluted/ poorly articulated, but TL;DR:

"Those same at work forces" that forced people back into office (despite worker productivity & morale being at all time highs) so they could prop up the commercial real estate portfolios of the ultra wealthy...

Also engineered mass layoffs, to suppress wages & "get a jump on" firing people that they want to replace with AI

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For I am CJ :screwattack: :black_sparkling_heart: :screwattack:

To be clear.. (at a minimum) Microsoft, Google, Facebook, & Apple... fired people "well in advance" because they anticipate that AI will be able to replace workers 'in the future'... and they are currently lying about their actions by selling or otherwise promoting AI as "being an assistant to help people do their jobs better" a.k.a. publicly stating that 'AI won't replace people')

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