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Dr. Dirtbag

@Ruth_Mottram @organicmaps Another satisfied Organic Maps user here. Open Street Map has shockingly detailed and current data on even the most obscure places, and OM makes it very usable. Offline OSM navigation with OM has proven indispensable for bike touring and international travel in general.

Ruth Mottram

@drdirtbag @organicmaps I'm looking forward to checking out the Oslo ski trails on it this week!

Old Tom

@drdirtbag @Ruth_Mottram @organicmaps
What’s their revenue model? How do they keep the lights on and bits flowing?

Just installed OM to give it a spin!

Dr. Dirtbag

@beckett @Ruth_Mottram @organicmaps It's developed by enthusiasts as a hobby, like a lot of Free Software projects are/were:

Organic Maps

@beckett @drdirtbag @Ruth_Mottram @organicmaps donate and we’ll create a better alternative to Google Maps!

Kauê Vestena

@organicmaps @beckett @drdirtbag @Ruth_Mottram just made my first donation!! OM has been helping me without battery drain with great pedestrian navigation experience (yes, I can use the mapped sidewalks in Milan ♥️) in the last months!!

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