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Gorgeous na Shock!

@hannah Maybe it uses deuterium? Does the can seem heavier than it should? I've got a project I could use a few of these in going in my garage...

Gorgeous na Shock!

@hannah (Note to the feds: I do not have a garage.)

Gorgeous na Shock!

@eestileib @hannah Sorry now I'm just thinking of Captain Crunch "Oops! All Neutrons!" breakfast cerial.

Flock of Cats 🐈 🐈 🐈 🌸

@hannah πŸ˜†

it’s already like 11% hydrogen. How much more does one need?

SkaveRat πŸ€ :verified:

@hannah oxygenated water already was idiotic, but this is taking it to the next level

cunt chodeula

@skaverat @hannah Not enough, gotta oxygenate the hydrogen infused water

Taz ΓΎe pika :heart_bi:

@hannah MFW I know enough chemistry for my hackles to raise here


@hannah drinking this would kill me. too hydrated, instant death


@hannah Does it make your voice funny, or explode like the Hindenburg?

Len Whitten

@Subumbral @hannah I would like helium infused water myself. Floating water.

Automotive Cult Antagonist

@hannah uhhh are they trying to give the consumer violentβ€”possibly explosiveβ€”farts? Because that’s what happens when you dissolve hydrogen gas in water.

Lufty :verified_trans:

@hannah Shouldn't it be like, super acidic if it's H3O?

clar fon

@polyote @hannah yes, it is

although it's not actually much hydrogen since they don't want to kill their customers, and it's basically weaker than diluted lemonade

a spooky jazz dad..

@hannah i guess if you're looking for a light beverage..


@hannah burping near someone smoking a cigarette and instantly turning into a fireball

BoneHouseWasps πŸ”Ά

@hannah Don't drink hydronium. Not if you're a fan of having an oesophagus.


@hannah All these infusions and diet light. I only accept heavy water!


I hope this is better than that "water with extra oxygen" crap. That stuff was awful.

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