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Kenny Kravitz

@EposVox At the very least, they should be required to refund those purchases. Google refunded all the games I'd bought when Stadia was shut down.

1 comment

@kennykravitz @EposVox they should not only be legally forced to refund said pirchases but be liable for all the costs of obtaining #DRM-free, physical copies + the time it took to do so.

And I hope the affected customers can not just #ClassAction them into some shitty waiver but force them to said terms globally!

#Steam at least has provisions in place to provide people access to their games without Steamworks-based DRM should Valve ever go belly-up as a company, which seems unlikely but is a non-zero chance regardless!

@kennykravitz @EposVox they should not only be legally forced to refund said pirchases but be liable for all the costs of obtaining #DRM-free, physical copies + the time it took to do so.

And I hope the affected customers can not just #ClassAction them into some shitty waiver but force them to said terms globally!

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