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Mia🏳️‍⚧️🌸(too hot for you)💋

@EposVox just want to say that physical media like 4K blueray require you to own special hardware (often) that have DRM shit in it what will result in potentially losing the ability to play it.

Owning a physical thing does not guarantee you access anymore.


@m @EposVox Also having to buy a specific piece of hardware for this job is silly when I already have plenty of general purpose hardware (NAS, laptop, phone) that can store and playback 4K video perfectly fine.

So yeah, piracy.

Also DRM-free streaming services that allow you to pay for the content and then use yt-dlp on that content, like Nebula.


@Peetz0r @m @EposVox sell me a flash drive with a movie on it. Or an SD card. Or a microSD so that maybe I’ll lose it and re-buy.

But don’t include unskippable ads or intros that are not part of the main movie.

Won’t happen of course. One can dream

aliceif or better yet, has outright download buttons for the raw MP4s - there's a small anime streaming service in Germany called Akiba Pass TV that offers that

Duncan Bourne


Which is one reason I only get DVD's. I had blue ray ability with an old Playstation which wouldn't play (after lying fallow for a month) unless I re-registered. I now use a stand alone DVD player. Still plays films I bought twenty years ago


@m @EposVox Yeah, my bluray player at home "connect me to your network to keep updated and download additional content". - Nah, I don't have internet.

Panegyr 🤡🎪


This post on the makemkv forums has all the details on how to get around the firmware limitations of BD encryption

But yes BDs have some bullshit baked into them

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