Oh, i was just wondering what works to spread the use of Technologies-That-Don't-Exploit-Users..
I mean, even health policy.. If it ends in "policy", it doesn't have a marketing department.
Marketing works, but I don't see a lot of Kickstarters/GoFundMes for Advertising/Marketing of Open Source alternatives to corporately marketed data plantations (where you're the cotton).
I've been told scolding doesn't work either. True, but it's cathartic.
So, what works?
@mousey The reason I ask is because the two contexts have very different elements around them, very different incentives.
Most importantly, a social media platform requires critical mass. If you are the only person on a social media platform then it’s worthless.
But medical decisions are very different. Individuals can benefit from making different choices, so very different approaches to selling it to them.
Yes, you might reply, vaccinations and such do have communal impacts and I recognize that 🙂 but still, it’s easier to sell a person on getting a vaccination when they themselves will derive a benefit directly from having it regardless of the communal dimension of it.
There are other differences as well, but this is just one to illustrate the difference between the two contexts.
@codinghorror @jwz
@mousey The reason I ask is because the two contexts have very different elements around them, very different incentives.
Most importantly, a social media platform requires critical mass. If you are the only person on a social media platform then it’s worthless.
But medical decisions are very different. Individuals can benefit from making different choices, so very different approaches to selling it to them.