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Internet Rando

@codinghorror @jwz

sounds great, except the #fediverse is a wide, sparse, network of community instances.. Hardly the marketing behemoth of a Centralized Corporation™, so "popular with users" is now exceedingly difficult, largely impeded by (basically) our individual Dunbar numbers..

TikTok was already a gargantuan corporation with a limitless marketing campaign when it started.. So... What... We Open Source ad buys for the superbowl pimping ActivityPub?

How do community gardens get famous?

Jeff Atwood

@mousey @jwz I never promised either of you a rose garden

Internet Rando

@codinghorror @jwz

That's cool man. I appreciate the discourse. My point is just yeah.. I'm gonna keep scolding people til they're shamed into submission, and ditch their corporate overlords for the sweet sweet life of doing all the hard work of being responsible for their own data..

easy peasy! :D

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