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Ángela Stella Matutina


Too late, I've even installed an extension in my browser that enables me to jump over paywalls with just a click:

Ángela Stella Matutina

@qualcu @jeffowski

Un honor y un placer. Y alcemos siempre nuestras copas a la salud de la gran Alexandra Elbakyan. Hay que hacerle un monumento en toda universidad o instituto científico.


@jeffowski "three-blogs-in-a-trenchcoat" is hilarious 😆 😂


@jeffowski There are good scientific journals that are already free

Martin Ruskov

@qualcu @jeffowski there's still Elsevier who charge thousands for a single article and get away with not being called predatory editor

OddFellow ✓

Couldn’t agree more

Warning Information


@jeffowski @petergleick another pro tip, just email the authors. I’ve always been able to get a copy of an article and answers to my questions by talking with the authors.


@inktomi @jeffowski @petergleick
And this also helps you to avoid moral burden of using service made by a stalinist (google "Alexandra Elbakyan"). Not saying, that we don't need such service, we do. But we also kinda try to care about reputations and morality, don't we?

Cal Alaera

@inktomi @jeffowski @petergleick This is the way - anyone who's stood at a poster session for hours on end knows how rare and validating it is for someone to take a genuine interest in your work. :)

T Chu 朱


The scary part is that these days, I can't tell if it was meant to be sarcastic or not 🤣

Mourioche ⏚

@chu @jeffowski Itns so true... 🙄
But for this message i put my money on sarcasm, which seemed the most likely.

Nicolas Vivant

@jeffowski Thanks for the alert. I was about to do a search on Now I know it was a bad idea.


@jeffowski there is also this libgen website where you can get scientific manuals for free, here is the adress so you don't go there by mistake


@jeffowski Its important to explain this to your students. In detail and with slides, like, otherwise they don't know which website they should never, ever use.

Dr. Med Johannes M. ✅

@jeffowski well... Writing my doctorate, I bought articles for about 2.000€ (and wrote them off via tax refund down the road later) and that's just.

But I agree: I was indeed privileged to have 2.000€ to spend and via that tax-reclaim, indeed the public paid for this little part of my doctorate, and I paid it back through good medical service and determination.

But everyone seeking knowledge and enlightenment should always have free access to science.

Professionals should have to pay.


@jeffowski It's missing the URL so I can add it to my blocklist

René Seindal

@jeffowski In hindsight it was a major mistake switching from Latin to the vernacular.

Amaury 🐁 ❌

@jeffowski And don't change your DNS to circumvent the censorship of Sci-Hub.


I have tried, but not all doi numbers can be found. The cake is a lie ;) You can ask the authors of the papers though, some will just hand you a free copy if you ask nicely


@jeffowski As a teacher of IB and the high school students being told to access academic and peer reviewed journals in order to get the top marks in their IA and EE essays... This is great help. Thanks!

Jelly :mastodon:

@jeffowski Fun fact: the scientists themselves don’t get any cut whatsoever when people buy the articles.


@jelly @jeffowski IFC nit and if it wasn't criminalized I'd personally encourage every academic to leak their writings to #SciHub within seconds of their release...


Aknowldge yippie

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