Looking for a #wordpress theme to build an artist website for a friend. I'm peeking at the premium version of GeneratePress since it's quite flexible and I could use it on many websites in the future, but the price is quite hefty.
Are you aware of themes that are as flexible as GeneratePress but cheaper, or potentially even free?
("flexible wordpress themes" is not a search query I want to trust.)
@garritfra Hi! Well, it depends on what exactly you expect in terms of "flexibility", but take a look at the free version of Blocksy https://wordpress.org/themes/blocksy/. Otherwise, the new "block themes" https://wordpress.org/documentation/article/block-themes/ are pretty flexible. Block themes by Automattic https://wordpress.org/themes/author/automattic/ or Anders Norén https://wordpress.org/themes/author/anlino/ are free/libre, well-conceived and without upselling attempts on every corners.