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Aphrodite ☑️ :boost_ok:


Back in 2010, I had issues with seniors whose fingerprints were so worn thin they couldn’t use the fingerprint scanners to clock in.

It’s fascinating and frustrating that people forget that, unless they’re unlucky, they too will be an old and have the coordination and physiological issues they disdain elders for having,

Adam Thompson

@Aphrodite @tychotithonus the older I get, the more I notice design patterns that are hostile to anyone that doesn't have perfect <30yo physiology. I wonder what I built in my youth like this?
(Probably relatively little, as 80x25 and 16 colors was the pinnacle of UI design flexibility in my youth...)

Óli Gneisti (English)

I did an unusual amount of manual labor last summer and the fingerprint scanners of my laptop and phone stopped working for me.

@Aphrodite @tychotithonus

Bjorn Stahl

@Aphrodite @tychotithonus Also affects some cancer patients on chemotherapy, see 'hand-foot syndrome'.

@Aphrodite @tychotithonus I wonder how much an issue this is with other jobs in which people tend to lose their fingerprints - ie. if you work with chemicals, losing your fingerprints due to accidents is considered expected. it also sometimes happens with construction jobs.

sure they eventually return (takes a few months) but it makes you wonder if anything was ever designed with that in mind.
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