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@abortretryfail Can't you already use the variable length of clips to fake pretty much any time signature?


Not really. The metronome is still wrong, and then you're on the hook for keeping track of which beat in the measure the grid shows since what the display says will be lies. You also have to work totally zoomed in to the beat level in arranger mode or it will misrepresent the clip lengths.

The OLED version made that worse since it doesn't display the numbers during playback anymore. (Mine was 7seg originally)

Honestly, v1.x did it better since all it did was count beats...

Not really. The metronome is still wrong, and then you're on the hook for keeping track of which beat in the measure the grid shows since what the display says will be lies. You also have to work totally zoomed in to the beat level in arranger mode or it will misrepresent the clip lengths.

The OLED version made that worse since it doesn't display the numbers during playback anymore. (Mine was 7seg originally)



I just gave it a try for giggles and found some other things that get in the way.

The lead-in when recording notes is still 4 beats, copy/paste end up totally misaligned, and the clip playback position in keyboard mode is confusing at best.


@abortretryfail Okay I think I understand now.

To be fair, support for anything but 4/4 isn't that widespread among grooveboxes as a whole, but I can see where you're coming from.

The next version of the community firmware has a 7seg emulation mode btw, so you can convert your OLED screen back to the numeric style if you really want to :)

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