Each of the colored blocks of 4×8 LEDs represents a 32-bit address in the firmware, while the 2×8 section at the right is displaying the first 4 hex digits of the Git commit hash that's running. The colors represent different types of stack frames, if I understood it correctly.
Devs then translate these addresses into the actual functions and lines in the code and can start to reason about it.
Of course I had to ask whether that bot is open source. And it is! It's a few Python scripts to interact with Discord, fetch all the images posted to the channel, and use OpenCV to try and detect a crash pattern in it. If that succeeds, the result is posted back to Discord.
(Don't get confused by the "QR" in the name, these are not QR codes at all.)
And the code that generates these patterns is here in the firmware:
Of course I had to ask whether that bot is open source. And it is! It's a few Python scripts to interact with Discord, fetch all the images posted to the channel, and use OpenCV to try and detect a crash pattern in it. If that succeeds, the result is posted back to Discord.