Very true đź’Ż

The American pundits who can’t resist “Westsplaining” Ukraine. John Mearsheimer and other foreign policy figures are treating Russia’s invasion of Ukraine like a game of “Risk.” For Eastern European scholars like us, it’s galling to watch the unending stream of Western scholars and pundits condescend to explain the situation in #Ukraine and Eastern Europe, often in ways that either ignore voices from the region, treating it as an object rather than a subject of history, or claiming to perfectly understand Russian logic and motives. Eastern European online circles have started using a new term to describe this phenomenon of people from the Anglosphere loudly foisting their analytical schema and political prescriptions onto the region: “westsplaining.” And the problem with “westsplaining” is illustrated particularly well when pundits westsplain the role of the eastward expansion of #NATO in triggering #Russia’s attack.