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Akka V. 👾🏳️‍⚧️

@ShadowJonathan this may be a dumb remark, but isn't everyone on your instance some flavor of trans, gay or enby ?

You'd need some data on what this bot has been scraping on instances that aren't entirely LGBT, or data on which instances it's been scrapping, to know if it's targeting queer folks specifically.

Normal :jo_2: :v_enby:

@akkavodol i know, but i went through about 4 dozen IDs, all of which had some marker clearly visible on their account, which isn't everyone on this server

notably, there were no inactive users, only plenty active locals, which is already alarming

Akka V. 👾🏳️‍⚧️

@ShadowJonathan Based on what you said it does seem that it's targeting some users specifically. Probably users who did or said something that got them noticed by a previous scrapping algorithm.

I just don't know if being LGBT was the thing that got them noticed. It could have been a political topic that they talked about, or an instance or post that they interacted with.

Normal :jo_2: :v_enby:

@akkavodol most likely

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