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Egon Willighagen

@EU_Commission how does this work for medical data? can I now require hospitals to send me all data they have on me too?

Jordan Maris πŸ‡ͺπŸ‡Ί πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦ #NAFO

@egonw @EU_Commission not sure medical data is in scope of the GDPR but yes, hypothetically.

The Data Act also means medical devices will have to make raw data they collect available to you, the end user'

Baron Vonskinnback

@jmaris @egonw @EU_Commission the ICO does cover clinical data, because it was very nearly weaponised against me by a mendacious group of NHS managers, IT departments & trust directors who were looking for a scapegoat for their own incompetence & ignorance, they very nearly had me, I was against the wall & lined up to be prosecuted by the ICO and the CQC personally for the work I did for them that they claimed lead to a data breach, untill they found the actual culprit, then they went very quiet

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