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Badger AF (he/him)

@knowattitude @mastodonmigration @christa @sohan I've started following this channel on YouTube that talks about these. Hopefully, they'll be on more solid ground than Kanoo.


@Badger_AF @knowattitude @mastodonmigration @christa @sohan

Cool vid. Interesting. I’ve been a huge fan of my 08 rav4, but it gave up the ghost last week. I was excited to get into a new rav4 hybrid. In general I’m happy enough, but it feels _massive_ in comparison to my 08. It feels like a proper truck, where my old vehicle felt more like a utility car. Just looking at the front end of it, and it’s a massive wall of metal. I could see the corners in my old car. Not this one, at all.


@Badger_AF @knowattitude @mastodonmigration @christa @sohan It’s all anecdotal though. I guess it has very similar dimensions, so the content in the video doesn’t apply. But the cut and feel is just so much different. Truck truck truck! Ew.

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