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Mike Harrison

@sohan My work truck is a Tacoma long bed (smallest I could buy in 2016). At the hardware store yesterday I lusted after the little tiny imported old Suzuki wrong size drive that parked next to me. No amenities. A bigger more useful bed than my truck. 4WD.. perfect for runs to hardware stores and projects. I'd sell my Tacoma for a new electric one that size an a 100 mile range. Considered building one. Pic is similar, not same truck.

Mastodon Migration

@meuon @sohan

Perfect! An EV that size would be just right.

Edit: Even looks like the bed might tip.

Mike Harrison

@mastodonmigration @sohan Some tip, some don't. Lots of variation. Trucks designed to get work done, not represent emotional issues. ;)


@meuon @sohan

Brother, if there's a waiting list for EVs that look like that, don't bother asking first, just put my name on it.

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