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Mark Shane Hayden


Car companies:

We tried making them reach 100km/h in 2 seconds...

We tried making them use complex mobile apps to do things like open their doors and recharge...

We gave them Advanced Telemetry that collects GIGABYTES of their usage data every month so that we can teach Auto Pilot to drive badly on their behalf and also Optimize their Marketing Experience...

We tried adding quirky features such as light shows when they turn on, replacing the entire dashboard of controls with a giant touchscreen tablet, ice boxes in the frunk, 240V power plugs so they can use their welders on the go and even a Virtual Whoopie Cushion...

...and we even tried to make a giant steel pyramid on wheels...what a statement!

We gave them all of that value for a mere $99,999! How could anyone refuse!?

Clearly society is not ready to accept EVs yet.

1 comment
Robin Capper

@msh @sohan all that and some can't put a speedometer in the driver's direct line of sight...

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