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Mike Fraser :Jets: :flag:

@sohan Not entirely accurate. Chevy spent a lot of time, money, and research on electric vehicles, starting in rhe early 00s. The Chevy Volt was the result. An amazing piece of engineering and a step forward in electric drive trains. After the Volt, the Chevy Bolt ticked all the boxes of a small, affordable, long-range electric car. After massive investments, both cars had flat sales. The next logical step was a pivot to electric trucks and suvs. Chevy literally bet the co. on electrics.


@mike @sohan and they managed to cancel both just as government subsidies were going to make them affordable. GM has always had amazing engineers and terrible management decisions.

Mike Fraser :Jets: :flag:

@evil1 @sohan Bolt was always pretty affordable and qualified for subsidies in Canada.

Tom Harrington

@mike @sohan dealers were charging over sticker price for Bolts because supply didn’t keep up with demand. Sales could have been higher if they made more.

caffeinatedgeek :Jets:

@atomicbird @mike @sohan the issue isn’t demand, it’s profit margin. Auto makers currently make more money selling ICE SUV and Trucks.

Jiub :verifiedenby:​ :verifiedtrans:​ :verified_estrogen:​

@mike @sohan that's actually outdated information for the Bolt. it's been selling so well that GM decided to continue selling it instead of cancelling it.

in 2023 the Bolt EV and Bolt EUV actually sold more than any other EV in the US besides the Tesla Model 3/Y

the conventional wisdom is that people want massive SUVs, but this shows that there's a market for small, cheap, simple EVs.

@mike @sohan that's actually outdated information for the Bolt. it's been selling so well that GM decided to continue selling it instead of cancelling it.

in 2023 the Bolt EV and Bolt EUV actually sold more than any other EV in the US besides the Tesla Model 3/Y

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