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@Gargron It‘s fun to read all the answers here from nerds who hate Apple for reasons 99% of normal users wouldn‘t care a second about. Rants from people who value customization over usability, over design, over privacy and over security. You may know how to make your Android phone secure and private, but my parents (and most everybody else I know) sure as hell don‘t and never will.

Eugen Rochko

@dgavin Presenting it as a dichotomy between customization and usability or security is simply disingenious. Nobody is taking away system permission APIs, and the App Store never prevented an ugly or inaccessible app from being published. I don't understand why you need to so vigourously defend the rent-seeking behaviour of a three trillion dollar corporation.


@Gargron Custamization vs. Usability *is* a dichotomy. It's the same problem as Security vs. Usability. And it's a problem iOS has too, as it has piled up hundreds of customization and security features over the years. It is still much more useable and intuitive than Android. And even so I'm regularly helping friends and family to make sense of it. Software engineers and nerds often have not an ounce of understanding for normal users needs.

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