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i can respect the safeguards in place for applications getting multiprocess + JIT permissions for browsers, and for contactless/NFC payments. these are Dangerous permissions and so making the entry requirements high enough that "Google and Mozilla can get in and that's it" isn't entirely a bad thing

everything else - needing a $99 dev account to distribute apps still, still having to pay "core platform fees" to apple, the whole malicious compliance of it, only being available in the EU - yeah, i don't like it, it's better than nothing but jesus christ this company sucks

9 comments | Expand all CWs
ash! :nb_verified:

@ipg Android sideloading keeps me sane

Whovian NineThreeSixNine

@ipg The official sideloading is only available in the EU? That's... honestly what I expected would happen, but that's honestly so damn sad.

HyperSoop :blobfoxcomputer:​



needing a $99 dev account to distribute apps still, still having to pay "core platform fees" to apple

what's the point then? you're telling me a poor soul stuck with an apple device still can't just download cracked games or volunteer-developed open-source apps off of the internet?

gosh fuck apple


@soop no sorry no free games for you sorry no cracked games no gta san andreas samp cheat hack apk sorry 😢

Connie 🎷🐄

@ipg It's filled with so much malicious compliance. They're following the rules, but not in good faith. I'd rather not have it than some fucked version of it only in the EU.

@ipg you also need to have a million on the bank if you want to distribute apps because Apple wants to "confirm you can handle support".

they're basically trying to price nix any sort of f-droid esque setup.

@ipg the fact the 50c/install fee applies to apps in the app store too also fucks me off because they're fucking over all EU developers if they play by their rules or not

obviously that's not to say the fee should exist outside the app store either, but it's fucking over everyone

alina 🌸

> contactless/NFC payments

> these are Dangerous permissions

lets be real, apple just wants to keep getting its cut on apple pay 😁

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