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Have you regretted deleting your account, only later to desire to restore your account/username?

We ask because we're preparing permanent account deletion federation activities, and have a unique opportunity to restore deleted usernames before we start processing/federating deleted accounts.

Comment if you're interested!



I'm guessing a safety measure like keeping record of a recovery keyphrase for that deleted account (the same that usually helps people recover access to accounts they forgot their password and email to) could work for recovering usernames.

Steinar Bang

@pixelfed I think the possibility to restore a username will be a good thing.

AshKaijin | Catboy VTuber

@pixelfed I did have accounts on both and with the same username @AshKaijin, either of which I'd like to restore if possible, yes.

Alex :unarist:

@pixelfed yep I regret deleting my account and I would love my username to be free so I can use it again (:


@pixelfed No. No. No. If I’m deleting /any/ account, for the sake of privacy and security, I absolutely want my username and all of my data immediately scrubbed from the database and backups. I can’t imagine why anyone would request an account deletion if they weren’t prepared for this outcome. If someone is hesitant to delete, a ‘disable’ option would be useful. There should at least be the option to perma-nuke the account.


@oxjox To be clear, all data is deleted immediately, this rather has to do with re-using the old username with a new account


@pixelfed Interesting. If all data is deleted, how might someone prove ownership of the original username?


@pixelfed how do you username squatting.

There are many fediverse users who set up accounts on multiple servers just to assert ownership of an identity without ever using it.

I believe this is a related but bigger problem that needs to be addressed.

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